Monday, December 19, 2011

Guess what??

I have a plan for the next 6 months!

well, part of one anyway.


Living: with my parents in Colleyville. Not my favorite, but it saves money and I like hanging out with them most of the time :)

School: Registered for a few online classes at TCC. I'm taking the rest of the pre-reqs I needed for nursing school and decided to take 2 classes about small business operations & management. I think that these classes will help me determine if i want a career with catering or a bed & breakfast...which really is a possibility!

Work: undetermined. In the midst of resume tweaking and looking for a well-paying, enjoyable job in the DFW area. Anyone have some tips?

Friends: do i have any that live less than 40 minutes away? Everyone's all cool and in dallas, which is slightly annoying.

some of you will not be impressed with this plan, but I am! I think there should be some sort of reward whenever I make a big decision because it's so hard to do. Maybe a pedicure? Haven't gotten one since coming off the Race and my feet still look like they belong in Malaysia. no offense, Malaysia, I really do love you.

Oh, and here are a few pics for your viewing pleasure from my recent trip to Dalhart to visit the Gibsons. We took a trip to Cadillac Ranch, among our many other adventures.

Devine looking all cute
What I spray painted. Funny? yes.
sunset at cadillac ranch


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Unsuccessful woman

The motivation for starting this blog was to figure out what to do next, find a job and a place to live and just grow up in general. I've had many moments of freak out in these past three weeks (you would think I'd give myself the permission to just be after going for a whole year), and was reminded last night of how I'm actually not defined by whether I have a job or not, or if I still live with my parents, or even if I have everything figured out. [thanks to elaina rogers for that reminder] The world tells me that I need to get it together, be a productive member of society, and fast, because otherwise I'm unsuccessful. 

So, I decided to share a blog entry that my good friend John Hearn wrote while still on the field. I didn't edit it at all, but you can just insert "Texas", "24 years old", and "woman" in the appropriate spaces. Enjoy!

It's bittersweet really…in just 21 days, I'll replant my feet firmly back on US soil at LAX, say goodbye to 35 of the most amazing people I've ever met, and board a plane - destination: Kentucky.  Although I can't wait to see my family, play with my boxer, Paris, and eat and sleep my way through the holidays, I can honestly say that I'm hesitant, maybe even scared, to return home…

My mind is RaCiNgGOINGSpinninGSPeAKiNG …
I don't know if I can live up to the expectations people have placed on me to change. 
I'm walking back into a world I no longer recognize.
Perhaps some people have forgotten that I'm even gone.  
I have no idea what my next steps are.  
There's still some pain I haven't dealt with.
Everyone has moved on without me.
I wonder if my dog will even remember me.  

I'm no longer considered 

It's true.  
I'm NOT a successful man.  To the world I have no worth, no value, no meaning, no significance….to the world, John Hearn is a failure

What's successful about a life where...

I've lived the last year out of a backpack.  
I‘ve worn the same 6 shirts for the last 11 months.
I shower, if I'm lucky, 2-3 times a week.  
I've been eating on only $3 a day.
I've lived amongst the homeless. 
I‘ve slept in airports, bus stations, trucks, tree houses, and tents.  
My best friends this year have been orphans, drunkards, the sick, and prostitutes. 
I've cried more this year than I have in my entire life.  
I'm scrawny and almost always hungry. 
I have more probability of winning the lottery than I do of not carrying a parasite home. 

I'm 28 years old and…

I don't have a job. 
I have no plans for my future.
My bank account is a barren wasteland.
I'm living with my parents when I get home.
I'm not married. 
I have no children.
I don't have medical insurance to go to a doctor. 

Who would really want to go home AS that, to BE that, to LIVE like that…

The world watches me and FROWNS.  
Men look at me and LAUGH
Women stare at me and SIGH
The church observes me and GOSSIPS
Old friends remember me and FORGET

But GOD see's me and SMILES!!
The TRUTH is, when I hold up the mirror of the world I'm not successful.  I don't fall into any of the worldly, acceptable categories of a successful man…

Rich Professional. 
Soccer Dad. 
Romantic Husband. 
Company Mogul
Famous Celebrity
Sporty All-American.

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 

1 Corinthians 4:18

We live in a world that values money, possessions, and good fortune over God's Kingdom!!

Therefore I don't want to be a successful man in the world's eyes.  I want to be like Jesus!


Was an alien in this world. 
Befriended the least of these. 
Hung out with a prostitute named Mary. 
Was homeless. 
Owned nothing. 
Never married.  
Had no children. 
Never earned a degree.
Was frowned upon by society. 
Didn't have a job. 
Was considered crazy. 
Was mocked and laughed at. 
Was killed for what he believed in. 
Relied on the generosity of others. 
Had others walk away from him. 
Didn't fit into a mold. 
Didn't fulfill other's expectations. 
Didn't answer to the world. 
Went about his Father's business. 
Was a King!

“I have been CRUCIFIED with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ

 who lives in me!” Galatians 2:20

rejoice when the world doesn't recognize me! 
I'm elated when my bank account goes dry! 
I'm joyful when I don't know where I'm going to sleep! 
I go CRAZY when the world doesn't find me acceptable! 
stand tall when others try to look over me!
sing when the world no longer recognizes me!

“The reason that the world does not know us is that it did not know him.”  

1 John 3:1-2

I don't want to be of this world. 
I don't want to be considered a "real" man.
I don't want to collect things that rot away with time. 
I don't want a title that has no significance in Heaven. 
I don't want to settle for the American Dream. 
I don't want to spend my life toiling for a house and a yard that will eventually be destroyed.
I don't want to have all of the money in the world only to be bankrupt in the heavenly realms.
I don't want to live by a time clock. 
I don't want to be normal. 
I don't want to follow a pattern. 
I don't want to live up to expectations. 
I don't want to blend in. 
I don't want to be known by a world that doesn't know Jesus.
I don't want to gain the whole world and lose my soul. 
I don't want to fill myself up with temporary things. 
I don't want to be successful in the world if it means being unsuccessful in the kingdom!

Kingdom work is where…

true JOY lies.  

true PEACE inhabits.
true LIFE is found.  

Believe that when I step off that plane and my feet hit the Bluegrass of Kentucky I'll be…

Walking Tall. 
Standing Firm. 
Smiling from ear to ear. 
Holding my head high. 
Rich beyond belief. 
Loved more than I've ever been loved. 

For the past 11 months I've discovered REAL success through Jesus.  I've tasted it, felt it, lived it…
I've partnered with Jesus to…

Heal the sick. 
Feed the hungry. 
Give a prostitute her first Bible. 
Baptize over 20 girls who have been rescued from sex slavery. 
Worship with Gypsies.
Construct new homes.
Love on orphans. 
Care for children with AIDS.
Lead a squad.
Apologize to sex workers for the way men treat them.
Watch a man's limp leg grow in front of me.. 
See the lame walk. 
Carry a crippled widow in her wheelchair and bring her food. 
Clothe the needy. 
Comfort the mourning. 
Do life with 35 of the most amazing people ever. 
Make best friends with Romanian college students Kinga and Zoltan.
Tell Hindu students about Jesus.
Dig a fish pond. 
Play with street children. 
Pray with the hopeless. 
Baptize my two teammates Evan and Lindsey. 
Preach to the lost. 
Witness miracles. 
Grow the Kingdom. 
Set the captives free. 
Encourage churches and young pastors like Daniel from Nepal and Andrew from Moldova.
Bring the Good News to the Nations. 

It doesn't matter if I'm…. 

Married or single. 
On my own or with a family.
Employed or unemployed. 
Big or small. 
Black or white.
Handsome or unattractive. 
Educated or uneducated. 
Athletic or artsy.
Rich or poor. 
Sick or healthy. 
Accepted or rejected. 
Encouraged or laughed at. 
Known or unknown….

The only thing I consider to be a REAL SUCCESS is becoming more like 


LOVING like Jesus.        SERVING like Jesus.         LIVING like Jesus.

Monday, December 12, 2011


So, it's almost 11 and I tried to write a blog all day but it didn't work out. Plus, I was in the middle of purging all my stuff that I realized i don't need after living out of a backpack for a year. ( ex- no, I do not need this dress from high school that might be in fashion again...or even fit). As the end of the night has winded down and the last batch of cookies came out of the oven, I felt a prompting to write a post about how thankful I am.


To everyone who has taught me something, been there for me, or still loved me even when I disappointed them....I am so glad all of this happened. I'm most especially grateful to my parents, who have supported me and helped me as much as they could along the way..not to mention housing and feeding me during this time of transition.

I love how the Lord has provided for me throughout the years in every way, and I'm excited to see what He has in store for me next.

Thanks for reading my blog, following me on my world race journey, or just thank you for being a friend :)

until tomorrow,


Friday, December 9, 2011

Jobs I like (from afar)

To complement the "companies" post, here's some dream jobs of mine. I don't know all the ins & outs of each job, but I'm still a fan.

1. Professional caterer/baker- I know baking is all "Trendy" now and everyone is doing it, but i would love to either own my own catering business or partner with someone. Or even take a challenge and create a gluten free or vegan line.

2. Nurse/some sort of healthcare worker- I think I would love helping people in this arena, and everyone knows I'm a sucker for a practical sort of ministry. Schooling would probably take less than 1.5 years since i have most of the pre-reqs, and I hear they are having some sort of massive nursing shortage. We'll see. I can't imagine myself inserting a catheter into a male patient. gross.

3. Owning a Bed & Breakfast- This would quite possibly be my dreamiest of dream jobs. I would love everything about it. Except not being able to go to the kitchen in my bathrobe, but i would get over it.

4. Sommelier/wine educator- don't really know much about wine, but this seems to be quite possibly the coolest job on the planet. I wouldn't mind giving tours of wineries either if this doesn't work out.

5. Author- I by no means have the training nor the discipline for this job, but how wonderful would it feel to get a book published? Maybe i'll shoot to be a children's author and make my sister do the illustrations. hmm... I could make that happen.

6. Midwife/Doula/etc.- I have had a fascination with pregnancy & birth ever since I took NUTR 444 and listened to Dr. Allred tell stories of how is wife is a breastfeeding ninja. This whole a-baby-grows-in-your-belly thing is my most favorite phenomenon and even though I have no experience with it whatsoever, I'd like to help women with this time in their lives. Plus I wouldn't have to deal with boys' parts. yay!

7. Personal assistant to someone not snobby- this job appeals to me. and i don't really mind being told what to do if i like the person.

8. Professional crafter- you know, someone who dominates etsy & pinterest and is a less crazy, more hipster version of Martha Stewart. a girl can dream

9. Food critic- what's not to love? You get to eat, write, and everyone hangs on your every word. Well, maybe only if you're Anthony Bourdain.

10. Organic Farmer- I have always wanted to work on a farm ever since I was little. I would frequent farmers markets and be everyone's favorite produce supplier

what do you think? What's your dream job?


Thursday, December 8, 2011

companies i might like to work for

This post isn't heavy on the research (none of mine have been so far, but that's beside the point), but just a fanciful pondering on places i've imagined are fun places to work. Don't know if i will start a career with any of them, but I have been checking on their websites a lot lately.

1. HEB/Central Market- many of you know that I worked for store #543 in College Station last fall (2010)...and LOVED it! I was an employee at the Cooking Connection, where I prepared and shared foods & wines with all the customer that walked in. They gave me a chef jacket & hat and a microphone and I had so much fun chatting it up with random people. Loved my boss, my co-workers, and would have stayed working there if not for the Race. A picture of me at work:

I would really like to go back to HEB in some form or capacity. I am not aware of all the positions they offer, but know I would enjoy anything (except maybe cashier. and maintenance). Also, if you watched The Colbert Report last night, he used a picture of HEB milk for a graphic! He probably doesn't even know what HEB is.

2. Whole Foods- same concept, but way more organic and expensive. Does that mean they pay more?

3. marathonKIDS- I first heard about this company when I was working at Sky Ranch in 2008. I kept seeing all these campers with T-shirts that said "I ran a marathon" and I wondered if kids were actually allowed to run 26.2 miles straight. One camper informed me that it's an afterschool program where they run a a little at a time that eventually adds up to running 26.2, and the final mile is held at a college campus. They teach healthy eating habits as well, and desire for the kids to live healthy lifestyles. I think it originally started in Austin, but has grown to other parts of the country. kids + running+ nutrition = a fun job for me

4. NPR- specifically This American Life, but I would settle for anything. Did anyone listen to the "Middle School" episode? Genius.

5. REI- who doesn't love this place? probably hoity toity rich girls don't....but who else? Seems like a fun place to work, i hear you get good benefits, and I'm sure there's an employee discount. Probably wouldn't help my efforts to try and dress more "grown up".

6.IKEA- inexpensive, Swedish furniture with a tasty cafeteria downstairs. Why wouldn't I want to work there?

7. Teach for America- haven't really considered applying yet, but I think it's a great concept and I would love to reach kids in this way. Wonder if my world experience would help me get this job..

8. Anthropologie- one of my squadmates suggested that I could work there when I was wearing a particularly cute outfit that day, and it was probably one of my favorite compliments ever. I would need help dressing myself form my fashionable friends (hello Nance, Suzi, & jallison), but seems to be a good place to work.

9. Apple- probably wouldn't be able to cut it at the Genius Bar, but could definitely sell the stuff!

10.  The Food Network- besties with Alton & Guy? yes please.

There you have it, my top 10. Have any of you worked at these places before? Let me know the inside scoop!


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Jobs I KNOW I don't want

Even thought I'm having trouble figuring out a career, there are some jobs that I just don't think would work out. Here is an inexhaustive list:

Big vehicle driver (18-wheeler, zamboni, bus driver, armored car, garbage truck)- I would have sweaty palms all day and probably die of high blood pressure at the age of 30. Definitely not a possibility. Though, if you are looking for a trucking job, apparently they are hiring and even giving free training classes- look into it!

Politician- too much drama. Though, I have an impeccable record, am a woman, a minority, and an evangelical, so I would probably get lots of votes :)

Reality show contestant- I would cry. Every day. Plus I'm a rather "normal" person who doesn't like to create drama, so they would probs never hire me.

Lawyer- I can't tell lies, don't particularly like being competitive, and barely remember any court cases from high school.

A legit businesswoman- I can't dress myself, don't like telling people what to do, and have learned that I forgot how to walk in heels. Plus a life sitting at a desk seems to be a misereable existence.

a model- even though some of you may recall my spur-of-the-moment tryout for ANTM, modeling sounds like torture. And let's face it, I don't think I care enough about being super skinny. Plus you have to be naked lots. Not my favorite.

Accountant- I have friends to do all that number business.

Pastor- even though some of you may be keeling over at the thought of a woman in leadership for a ministry, I think it's a viable option. But I know that I would not really enjoy preparing a sermon every week, listening to eeevvverrrryyone's issues, and following lots of little rules. Not to worry, the job of pastor's wife is still very much on the table. Ha.

Nail technician- I do not have the desire nor the dexterity to do this job well. There would be very unhappy customers as I scribble all over their hands

Livestock farmer- too much to handle, and you can't leave on the weekends cuz someone is always wanting to be milked.

Musician- don't have the cool factor. Plus no real musical talent.

Pet groomer- nope.

Assembly line worker- I would mess it up for everyone


Like I said, inexhaustive list. Stay tuned for tomorrow when I share what companies I might like to work for.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Hello family, friends, and voyeuristic strangers! I created this blog to figure out the "next step".... I earned my degree in Nutritional Sciences from Texas A&M University in December 2010, then left on my 11-month journey with the World Race just two weeks later. Now, here I am-- educated, single, well-traveled, and most importantly, unemployed. As soon as I returned to America a few weeks ago, I kept hearing that most annoying yet important question-- "What's next?"

Well, I have no idea.
I thought I had some ideas (nursing school, culinary school?)
but I'm not completely sure anymore.

So, my plan is to use this blog to research career opportunities, figure out my passions, and possibly network to figure out a less lame answer to "What's next?"

Feel free to subscribe through email or add me to your Reader to keep up with my journey. If you haven't been to my World Race blog, it's definitely worth a visit! I still need to blog about Australia and Malaysia, too, so there will be some new stuff there as well.

thanks for stopping by!
