Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Jobs I KNOW I don't want

Even thought I'm having trouble figuring out a career, there are some jobs that I just don't think would work out. Here is an inexhaustive list:

Big vehicle driver (18-wheeler, zamboni, bus driver, armored car, garbage truck)- I would have sweaty palms all day and probably die of high blood pressure at the age of 30. Definitely not a possibility. Though, if you are looking for a trucking job, apparently they are hiring and even giving free training classes- look into it!

Politician- too much drama. Though, I have an impeccable record, am a woman, a minority, and an evangelical, so I would probably get lots of votes :)

Reality show contestant- I would cry. Every day. Plus I'm a rather "normal" person who doesn't like to create drama, so they would probs never hire me.

Lawyer- I can't tell lies, don't particularly like being competitive, and barely remember any court cases from high school.

A legit businesswoman- I can't dress myself, don't like telling people what to do, and have learned that I forgot how to walk in heels. Plus a life sitting at a desk seems to be a misereable existence.

a model- even though some of you may recall my spur-of-the-moment tryout for ANTM, modeling sounds like torture. And let's face it, I don't think I care enough about being super skinny. Plus you have to be naked lots. Not my favorite.

Accountant- I have friends to do all that number business.

Pastor- even though some of you may be keeling over at the thought of a woman in leadership for a ministry, I think it's a viable option. But I know that I would not really enjoy preparing a sermon every week, listening to eeevvverrrryyone's issues, and following lots of little rules. Not to worry, the job of pastor's wife is still very much on the table. Ha.

Nail technician- I do not have the desire nor the dexterity to do this job well. There would be very unhappy customers as I scribble all over their hands

Livestock farmer- too much to handle, and you can't leave on the weekends cuz someone is always wanting to be milked.

Musician- don't have the cool factor. Plus no real musical talent.

Pet groomer- nope.

Assembly line worker- I would mess it up for everyone


Like I said, inexhaustive list. Stay tuned for tomorrow when I share what companies I might like to work for.



  1. Come on, driving a Zamboni would be Awesome, for about a day. I think you should rule out any job that has been seen on dirty jobs. They are gross. I see Chef in 5 star restaurant in your future. You are an amazing cook! Or maybe nutritionist?

  2. I guess the best place to start for finding the perfect job is to narrow out all the reject jobs, though you should reconsider accounting :)
    Love you! Melanee
